Time to See the Groomer?

You and your love-bug are cuddling when suddenly, you notice an odor. Someone needs a bath and it isn’t you! If you’re short on time, don’t have the right tools or lack patience and dog grooming experience, it’s time to call in a professional. Dog groomers provide many services for your dog including bathing, brushing, clipping, nail care and ear care. Reasons to see a professional groomer include:

• Convenience. There’s nothing like dropping off the furry one and picking up a soft, clean, sweet-smelling dog.

• Comfort for your dog. Professional dog groomers know how to make your dog cooperate for nail trimmings or ear cleanings without hurting him.

•  Professional products. The right tools and products get the job done easily.

•  Detection of injuries or parasites. Your dog will be given a thorough inspection for cuts or open wounds which will be treated prior to any service.  A groomer can also alert you to external parasites and treat your dog accordingly.

• Information on keeping your dog looking good. A professional groomer will give you tips, not only on your dog’s grooming, but also on how to care for him on a daily basis.

How to Choose a Groomer

Where you take your dog for his grooming can make a big difference in how he’s treated. Ask vets, trainers and pet supply store owners for recommendations. Before booking an appointment, go to the facility and look for the following:


• Friendly and knowledgeable staff

• Gentle and kind treatment of dogs

• Area where dogs are kept before and after grooming

• Atmosphere, not too loud, hot, cold or uncomfortable

Desert Dry Puff & Fluff

If you’re in the Albuquerque area, stop by Dawg Gone Good located in Nob Hill on Central at Wellesley, and check out our new grooming services.  Our feet, face and fanny services are eco-friendly (no water needed) and cage- and kennel-free. Wait for your dog or leave him with us–after his service he can relax in our doggie play area. For more information and reservations, call 505-508-2704.

Sharing “People” Food

In the not-so-distant past, people would scrape all their leftovers into a pan for the dog. Today, we know that a dog’s nutritional needs are different from our own. Table scraps don’t provide the minerals and vitamins dogs need, lead to obesity and can even be toxic. Yet, some “people” food such as lean meat, fresh veggies and fruit, can enhance your dog’s diet. The key to sharing “people” food with your dog? Moderation.

Sharing “People” Food

Avoid feeding your dog at the table. This can lead to unwanted begging. Give him treats away from the table and ask him to do a trick before giving him the food.

Give your dog small amounts of new food. Introduce a new food every few days so you can recognize the cause of any digestive upsets.

Know which type of food you are giving your dog, such as meat, carbs, fats or fibers. This will help you balance her calorie intake.

Don’t give your dog “people” food if he doesn’t eat his regular kibble.

Don’t overdo it. Giving your dog extra treats adds calories and too many calories can lead to disease. Try cutting back on your dog’s regular meals to compensate for any treats. Also, watch out for smaller dogs. Only a few extra calories can cause weight gain.

“People” Food for Dogs

Just like humans, dogs will become ill if they eat too much fat, carbs or calories. Some “people” foods, however, benefit a dog’s nutritional needs when given in moderation.

Yogurt provides calcium, protein and probiotics. Look for sugar- and fat-free options.

Pumpkin adds fiber to keep the GI tract moving.

• Sweet potatoes, which can be sliced and dehydrated, contain fiber, vitamins B6 and C, and magnesum.

Salmon and herring offer omega-3 fatty acids.

Green beans, with vitamins K and C, magnesum and fiber, can be substituted for some of your dog’s kibble to control weight,

Eggs provide a very digestible protein boost.

Apples, but not the seeds which contain cyanide, give a crunchy treat of vitamins A and C, plus fiber.

Popcorn, with no butter or salt, contains potassium, magnesium and calcium.

Rice, an easily digested carb, helps settle a dog’s upset tummy.

Cottage cheese, high in calcium, adds extra protein.

Extra Special Treats

In addition to the “people” food above, you can share marshmallows and ice cream with your dog for special occasions. Remember, moderation is key!

“People” Food Not Okay for Dogs

The following foods, some in low amounts, can make your dog very sick. No matter how much your dog begs, do not give in!

• Chocolate

• Grapes

• Raisins

• Onions

• Garlic

• Avocado

• Raw meat, fish and eggs

• Macadamia nuts

• Alcohol

• Coffee and tea

For more information on you dog’s nutritional needs, please visit Dawg Gone Good. We carry quality foods and treats your dog will love!

Legal Disclaimer

This post is for informational purposes only and should not be substituted for a vet’s professional diagnosis and treatment.

Reduce Your Dog’s Carbon Footprint

Could your dog be worse for the environment than an SUV?
That’s the claim that two New Zealand scientists made in 2009, citing that a medium-size dog has more than a 2 acre carbon footprint while an SUV has a 1 acre one. (A carbon footprint measures the impact our activities have on the environment based on the amount of greenhouse gases we produce.)

Dogs like meat–a medium-size dog eats 361.5 pound each year–and producing meat requires land and energy. But how can we blame dogs for our environmental woes? They are an irreplaceable part of our lives, lowering our blood pressure, getting us off the sofa and making us laugh. While many disagree with this claim, it has opened up a conversation on “green pet options.” As we all work to sustain and preserve our natural resources, you can choose environmentally responsible foods and products for your dog.

Ways to Reduce You Dog’s Carbon Footprint

1.  Choose natural food and treats. Your dog’s food should be free of artificial colors and flavors, preservatives and synthetic ingredients which create their own carbon footprint.

2. Look for environmentally friendly toys and accessories. You can find a wide range of dog products made from recycled materials such as beds made from plastic bottles or balls crafted from recycled rubber.

3. Use non-toxic grooming products. Look for shampoos and conditioners that have natural ingredients to avoid dumping more chemicals into our ecosystem.

4. Switch to bio-degradable bags to dispose of your dog’s waste. “Green” poop bags stay out of our overfull landfills.

5. Seek out food and products in recycled packaging. This will conserve water and raw materials needed for future resources.

Top Five Eco-Friendly Products (available at Dawg Gone Good)

Orbee balls and toys from Planet Dog, made from recycled rubber


Petcurian’s Go! Natural, wholesome food with natural preservatives


West Paw Design’s Eco Mat, made from recycled bottles


Taste of the Wild, hormone- and antibiotic-free foode

Happy Tails, cruelty-free, all natural grooming products

Soothing Skin Problems

Skin problems make dogs miserable. The health of the skin is important because it acts as a barrier to protect your dog from dehydration, infection, ultra-violet light and caustic substances. If your pup excessively scratches, licks and chews her coat, you’ll need to get to the root of the problem.

Symptoms of Skin Problems

• Scratching, licking or chewing at skin
• Scabs
• Redness or inflammation
• Hot spots (one area where itching is intense)
• Round, scaly patches on face or paws
• Dry, flaky or irritated skin
• Hair loss or bald patches
• Rashes
• Lesions
• Drainage of blood or pus
• Swellings, lumps or skin discoloration
• Rubbing face against carpet or furniture

Causes of Skin Problems

Many factors can cause skin problems in dogs and usually it’s a combo of things making her itch. Since it’s not easy to identify the underlying causes, consult your vet as soon as you see skin problem symptoms.


Flea bites can irritate the skin and some dogs have an allergic response to the saliva following a bite. Sarcoptic mites, also called scabies or red mange, create intense itching, alopecia and inflamed skin with many small scabs. Demodex mites, known as mange, live just under the skin in hair follicles and oil glands and cause severe itching and patchy alopecia.


Sensitivity to common substances such as pollen, weeds, dust, mites, trees or grasses can cause itching and scratching. Your dog may also develop food allergies to common ingredients in dog food such as beef, chicken, wheat, corn, soy, fillers and colorings.


Ringworm, a contagious fungal infection, causes inflammation, scaly patches and balding. Dogs can also develop bacterial and yeast inflections when the skin is damaged from other skin problems.


A dog may lick her skin excessively from stress or boredom. Hormonal changes can cause change in skin color or coat thickness. Some shampoos and conditioners can irritate dog’s skin.

Prevent Skin Problems

• Use natural, hypoallergenic shampoos recommended for dogs.

• Brush your dog regularly.

• Feed your dog a healthy, balanced diet without artificial fillers.

• Work with your vet on a parasite prevention or flea treatment program.

• Provide a calm environment for your dog.

• Regularly clean and vacuum your home.

Products to Help

Dawg Gone Good offers a number of products that can help you treat your dog’s itchy skin.

Happy Tails offers shampoos and conditioners for itchy skin such as Comfy Dog, Fur Butter, Flea the Scene and Itchin’ for Relief.



Conair Yellow Dog massaging brush helps improve a dog’s coat.

Taste of the Wild provides a natural grain-free formula with vitamins and minerals to provide your dog with a balanced diet.


Go! Natural provides wholesome formualtions with meat plus fruit and vegetables.

Dog Park Etiquette and Safety Tips

Dog parks can be wonderful places for dogs to run, play and interact with other canines in a secure area. Unfortunately, not all dogs play well together and not all owners take responsibility for their dogs. If you decide to take your dog to the park, have realistic expectations. Be prepared to watch your dog at all times and protect him if needed. Ultimately, your dog’s safety at these parks depends on you.

Dog Park Etiquette and Safety Tips

Spend a few minutes observing the dogs from outside the fence if you’re visiting a dog park for the first time. If they seem aggressive or unattended by their owners, don’t bring your dog inside.

Be careful at the front gate. Dogs tend to rush to the gate to greet a new dog which could intimidate your dog or lead to a fight.

Supervise your dog. You should keep an eye on your dog at all times to make sure that she is behaving well and that other dogs are behaving well toward her.

Don’t let your dog stay if she seems frightened or other dogs threaten her. Some owners think that dogs should “work it out themselves” when there’s a conflict. Not removing your dog from an aggressive dog will just make her fear worse.

Speak up if an owner needs to pay attention to his dog.  Don’t be afraid to ask an owner to control his dog if there’s a problem.

Remove your dog from the park if he is aggressive or bullying other dogs. Make the safety of other dogs as important as the safety of your own.

Learn to read dogs’ body signals and postures. Dogs communicate with us when they are scared, threatened, aggressive, stressed and happy. Learn to recognize the difference between rough play, which can look and sound violent, and actual threats.

Leave small children and babies in strollers at home. Some dogs are frightened of small children and vice versa.

Don’t take toys to the park unless your dog is willing to share.

Use caution when rewarding your dog with a treat at the park. If your dog doesn’t like other dogs crowding around, treats can be a problem.

Signs a Dog Might Bite

In addition to keeping your dog safe, you need to watch out for yourself. Use caution if you see a dog:

•  standing stiff and still with its hair up

•  staring at you

•  holding its tail stiff and up in the air. Friendly dogs wag their tails in a relaxed way. A dog with a stiff tail up, wagging fast is sending a danger signal.

•  growling, snarling, showing its teeth or barking

Keep in mind that some dogs may not give any signs before biting. When in doubt, be careful, stay calm and slowly back away.


Dog Park Goodies

Stop by Dawg Gone Good for the latest products to enhance your time together with your dog.

Planet Dog Wood Chuck, an ergonomic bamboo chucker that works with Orbee Tough balls






Vibram Disc, a durable fun flyer made from dog-friendly rubber









EZY Dog Mongrel, a shock-absorbing stretch leash that’s perfect for pullers

Let’s Be Friends: Socializing Your Dog

The secret to a well-behaved dog? Proper socialization. Puppies and adolescent dogs (ages 3 to 6 months) need to be exposed to new people, animals and places in a non-threatening way. These positive experiences will help the dog be calm and accepting as he matures. In addition to early interaction with the world outside the home, dogs benefit from life-long socialization. If you have adopted an adult dog that shows signs of shyness, anxiety or aggression, those traits may always be present. Yet, with socialization, your dog can learn new behaviors that will make interactions with people and other dogs more pleasant.

Tips for Socializing Your Dog

1. Start immediately. Take you dog on short walks around the neighborhood and let her experience her surroundings. Encourage people to pet her and give her treats. Try to expose her to all types of people — men, women, children, people in wheelchairs, people wearing hats and coats, people with bicycles.

2. Invite healthy, vaccinated dogs to your home. If you have a puppy still getting his shots, this allows him to interact with dogs without the worry of a health risk.

3. Bring your dog to Dawg Gone Good. Your puppy can interact with other people who love dogs and visit our relaxation and play area.

4. Take your dog to other dog-friendly businesses such as Home Depot, Lowes or restaurants such as Kelly’s Brew Pub or Flying Star that have outside seating. ABQ Dog has a listing of both on leash and off leash places to take your dog at http://www.abqdog.com/albuquerque-dog-places.shtml

5. Visit friends or have friends over to your house. Show your dog that people are pretty cool by letting your friends give him a toy or treat.

6. Enroll your dog in puppy kindergarten or obedience training. Not only will she be exposed to a new group of people and dogs, she’ll begin learning behavior basics.

7. Check out local dog parks if your dog is vaccinated.

8. Touch your dog, brush him and handle his feet and offer treats for good behavior. This will help when he has to visit the vet or groomer.

Socializing your dog takes time and effort but the reward is a well-adjusted companion that you can take anywhere.


Legal Disclaimer

This post is for informational purposes only and should not be substituted for a vet’s professional diagnosis and treatment.

Taking the Doggie on Vacation

We treat our dogs as part of the family, so it makes sense that we want to take them along on our vacations. But before you pile into the car with your four-legged friend, do some planning and make sure you have everything you need to make your dog’s vacation safe, relaxed and happy.

Traveling by Car

• Feed and water your dog 2 hours before you start the trip. This will lessen the chance of an upset stomach.

• Keep your dog safe in the car using  a travel harness with a seat belt. You can also have your dog ride in a crate or use a dog barrier to confine him to one space and keep him from distracting the driver.

• Plan frequent stops so your dog can have potty breaks and exercise. Make sure she has proper I.D. and is on leash when leaving the car.

• Never leave your dog in a parked car. Even with the windows partially down, temperatures can reach over 120 degrees quickly.

Traveling by Plane

• Before booking your flight, check the airline’s policy for transporting pets. You want to keep your dog with you in the cabin if at all possible.

• Avoid flying your dog in the cargo hold. Temperature extremes, lack of oxygen and poor ventilation could harm your dog.

• Consider an alternative airline such as Pet Airways which flies dogs and other pets in the cabin. You will have to fly separately from your pet and pick him up once you get to your destination.

Pet Friendly Hotels

• Research via the Internet for hotels that accept dogs. Usually,  hotels charge a pet fee which can widely vary.

• Check out websites such as bringfido.com that not only list dog-friendly hotels but also provide guest reviews.

What to Pack

• Medications

• Dog crate

• Blanket or pet bed

• Harness or seat belt

• Supply of dog food to last the entire trip

• Water bowl and 3 gallons of water

• Plastic bags and paper towels for clean up

• Chew toys

• A buckle collar with legible ID tags

• Extra leash

• Blankets or towels if your dog likes to splash in water or mud

Dawg Gone Good has products for you and your dog’s vacation. Stop in and ask us about:

Too Hot for Spot, a static cling window thermometer that alerts you to the temperature inside your car






EZY Dog Harness, with seat belt attachment in all sizes and colors






Sandia Pet Products Collapsible Travel Bowl, with clip for easy attachment to a backpack






Happy Tails Flea the Scene, all natural insect repellent with sunscreen






Poop Snoop, waste bag holder with a built-in LED light and clip

Is My Dog Overweight?



If your dog has been looking chubby, help him take off the pounds before they become a serious problem. Just like overweight humans, overweight dogs face decreased quality of life and early death. They may experience:

• sugar diabetes

•  damage to joints

•  difficulty breathing,  decreased stamina and heat intolerance

•  heart disease and high blood pressure

•  decreased liver function and immune system

•  digestive disorders

•  higher risk for cancer

Vets use a 9 point scoring system to evaluate a dog’s weight.  A score of 1 means your dog is extremely thin while a score of 9 means he is grossly overweight. Follow the steps below to get a sense where your dog falls on the weight scale.

1. Feel your dog’s ribs. You should be able to feel each rib. If you see the ribs, the dog is too thin. If you can’t feel them at all, your dog is overweight.

2.  Check the area at the base of the tail. You should be able to feel bones there.

3.  Feel the spine, shoulder and hips. If you can’t feel the bones beneath a layer of fat, your dog is overweight.

4. Look at your dog from above. He should have a definite waist behind the ribs. If there’s no waist, your dog is carrying too much weight.

5. Look at your dog from the side. The area behind the ribs should be smaller in diameter than the chest.

If your four-legged friend needs to drop a few pounds, keep the following in mind:

• Limit treats to 10 percent of your dog’s intake. Know the calorie count and nutritional value of the treats.

•  Provide exercise. Your dog will burn calories and keep his muscles toned and joints flexible.

•  Choose the correct type and amount of food. Feed your dog meals. It’s hard to regulate how much he eats if you put down a bowl of food and let him eat all day.

•  Monitor your dog’s weight. It’s hard to tell if your dog is gaining weight by sight.

• Limit or eliminate table scraps.

Legal Disclaimer

This post is for informational purposes only and should not be substituted for a vet’s professional diagnosis and treatment.

Wag More, Bark Less!

Goodbye, Corporate World . . . Hello, Dawg Gone Good!

As a Human Resources professional for many years, I used the fine art of “wagging” as a means of developing employee trust in addition to creating depth with my business partners.  Some I had to “convert” to doing a little wag now and then with their staff.  But after years in the industry, my little tail is done wagging in the corporate arena . . . way too many covert barkers out there. Shareholders, who had no tails, trickled down to the XO’s who eventually lost their wag as well. Sad.

So, at 56 I retired and set up shop with Dawg Gone Good in Albuquerque.  Everyone who steps through our doors is either a 2-legged or 4-legged wagger.  The only barks we hear are cheerful greetings.

Our first month in business has been an astounding surprise.  The local community has embraced us with such supportive passion.  To them, we express our gratitude.

So . . . for me, no more corporate suits or silk hosiery.  Waggers enjoy their days in jeans and Life Is Good shirts.  Joy is worth it . . . take the LEAP!!

“Faithful Companion” Judy Luttrell co-owns Dawg Gone Good located in Albuquerque’s Nob Hill shopping district with “Leader of the Pack” Anna Beth Asmussen.  Take a look at Dawg Gone Good’s Facebook page and website www.dawggonegoodnm.com.

Know the Signs of Canine Heatstroke

Did you realize that the prime months for dog heatstroke are April and May? That’s because most of us know not to let our dogs overexert themselves during the hot summer months. In the late spring, though, the warm weather creeps up on us and our active dogs keeping running and playing without adjusting to the heat. Heatstroke can cause death so it’s important to be able to recognize the signs and know what to do if you dog overheats.

Causes of Canine Heatstroke

Dogs release heat primarily by panting. On hot days, dogs cannot regulate their internal temperature properly and their temperature can rise rapidly. If your dog has a temperature between 104 F and 106 F, she will typically recover in about an hour. Dogs with a temperature over 106 F are at risk of dying and should be taken to the vet immediately.

Signs of Canine Exhaustion

• Heavy panting

• Skin that’s hot to the touch

• Hyperventilation (deep breathing)

• Bright red tongue and gums

• Increased drooling followed by dry gums

• Weakness

• Confusion, disorientation, staggering

• Vomiting or diarrhea

Signs of Canine Heat Stroke

• Paleness or graying of the gums

• Shallow breaths followed by slowed or absent breathing

• Vomiting and diarrhea that may be bloody

• Seizures or coma

Treatment of Heat Stroke

• Get the dog to a cooler place such as shade or under air conditioning in your car or home

• Take the dog’s temperature with a rectal thermometer. If her temperature is 104 F or below, you can help her recover at home. If the temperature is above 106 F, take your dog to the vet immediately and cool her on the way using ice packs or rubbing alcohol on the pads of her feet.

• For home treatment, use cool or tepid water where air is circulating. Placing a fan in front of your dog and running a hose over her is very effective in lowering her temperature. The goal is not to simply get your dog wet but for the water to evaporate which is why circulating air is so important.

• Check your dog’s temperature every three minutes. Once her temperature starts to drop, stop all cooling efforts.

• Give your dog water but don’t let her drink to much.

• Avoid immersing your dog in water;  this may raise her temperature. Water trapped in the coat acts as an insulator against the cool water.

• Continue to monitor your dog, watching for signs of shock or other troubles. Take your dog to the vet immediately she doesn’t improve.

• Make sure your dog is dry before putting her in a crate or enclosed space. The water won’t be able to evaporate and the crate will be very warm.

Preventing Heat Stroke

• Never leave your dog in the car even with the windows cracked. The temperature inside a car can quickly rise 40 degrees higher than the outside temperature.

• Provide plenty of shade and cold water for dogs outside.

• Exercise your dog during the coolest parts of the day and keep her inside on hot days.

• Monitor your dog closely. Dogs don’t know when to stop so you need to provide rest breaks with water.

Dogs at Risk for Heatstroke

•  Young puppies and older dogs

• Overweight dogs

• Dogs that have previously experienced heatstroke

• Dogs with an existing illness or ones recovering from illness or surgery

• Dog breeds with short face such as bulldogs, pugs, boston terriers

• Dog breeds with double coats such as Chow Chows, Huskies, Malamutes

Legal Disclaimer

This post is for informational purposes only and should not be substituted for a vet’s professional diagnosis and treatment.